Trimble hosts the base station list here and that is where PFO and Positions are looking to download the file. The cbs_list.csv is stored on the local computer under C:\ProgramData\Common ...
It's not really locked up. The window is just out of view of the user. Same thing can happen with Data Transfer. If you lose a window like that out of Pathfinder Office in the future, remember this little trick: Hold down Alt + the space bar,and ...
The attached support note demonstrates the workflow for using Pathfinder Office to post process Positions and GPScorrect ssf files and apply the corrections to the axf file.
Verifying Control Points with ESRI’s Field Maps (Arc Pro) This document will outline the process required to configure and test the accuracy of your GNSS receiver within your ESRI’s Field Maps environment. This workflow will require that you have ...
The NMEA output from a Trimble R2 and R1 GNSS receivers are the only Trimble receivers compatible with iOS and Android. All GeoExplorer series (Geo 2005/2008/3000/6000/7X) and Pathfinder Pro series (ProXT/XH Pro 6H/6T) units from Trimble can output ...
Recorded Webinar With Table of Contents This Webinar was broadcast on 1/25/23. We cover data silos, the benefits of Web GIS, what's included with the ArcGIS platform, how FieldSeeker GIS for Mosquito Control builds on that platform, and then what's ...